Welcome Catus – The New Cat Lovers Cactus Decoration.
Catus - The Cat Cactus
George Rogings, a life time gardner and scientist at the New York University Science Lab has created a new type of cactus for cat lovers.
“This Cactus is an ideal gift for cat lovers as it looks rather like a cat and although is not as cuddly as a real cat does not eat as much either.” George claims.
Catus comes in various sizes, labeled kitten, cat and tiger and once full grown does not grow any bigger.
It can live in almost any condition and weather as long as it has water and occasional sun.
The Cactus price ranges from $59 for Catus Kitten to $199 for Catus Full Grown Tiger Cat.
GlamourGoat (TM) a top teen and young adult fashion clothes and make up provider recently suprised the public with a new startling product: Diamond Lip Piercings!
With the slogan “Shine like a real star, be seen from a far!” GlamourGoat is now running heavy online and offline promotions for their product.
While some readers find it “gross” and “disgusting” others find it “highly sexy” and are queing up to be the first to get the Diamond Lip Piercings.
GlamourGoat is offering a chance for woman to be the first and only ones in their city with the lip piercings for 3 months for only $10,000.
Find out more at http://GlamourGoat.com
A large Canadian Grizzly Bear has been terrifying hunters after he stole a gun from a tent and has been ambushing hunters and shooting them dead.
Hunters say that they are afraid to go out into the forest as they don’t know where he is hiding or where he will shoot from next.
Watch out for the Killer Bear!
One hunter, Jerald Sikning whose friend was shot down by the bear in front of his eyes recalls the experience as following: “We were walking along a dirt path to a spot we both knew was good place for deer hunting when suddenly there was this Continue reading Canadian Grizzly Bear Shoots Hunters→
Believe it or not a russian farmer’s wife claims that her rooster has laid an egg, and not just any egg but a golden one ontop of it all!
Ludja Tschernikova told local TV station reporters: “I went into the hen house early in the morning to collect the eggs and found my rooster behaving very strangely indeed. He wouldn’t stop crowing nor would he come to get fed. So I went over to him and found Continue reading Russian Rooster lays a Golden Egg→
Mary Wong, from Huingxoy province in Western China claims that about five months a ghost came down into her room and raped her. “I woke up because I felt something holding me down. I tried to scream but couldn’t. I couldn’t move.
Then I felt him rape me. When finally it ended, I lay there crying, soaked in sweat and my virgin blood.”
1 month later she found out she was Continue reading Mary Pregnant from Ghost Rape→
Images from a Top Security Russian GMO Laboratory where leaked onto the web by one of it’s workers who doesn’t think it’s right what they are doing.
Russian Scientists have been secretly working to create the latest GMO (Genetically Modified Organisms) hybrid creation; huge Avocados and pocket sized Watermelons.
It seems that they have Continue reading New GMO Hybrids – Pocket Sized Watermelons→
British Authorities are desperately trying to keep this story quiet however it was leaked onto the internet by WikiLeaks.
The Al Qaeda has been caught training squirrels to ignite bombs.
This way they won’t have to blow their own people up anymore.
On a recent raid in a remote rural area on a house belonging to a rich muslim suspected to be associated with terrorist groups, the British Security Task Forces was astonished to discover 12 terrorist Continue reading Terrorist Squirrels Caught in London→
Discovered in the thick Amazon forest by Vladimir Skoventshky (a Russian Scientist of the Moscow Science University) this queer looking “toad snail” (Acroloxolidea Pulmunata) has been turned into a mini celebrity online.
He even has his own fanpage with over 15000 fans!
He is guessed to be very old, exactly how old however is yet unknown.
Vladimir Skoventshky and his team of scientists last stated to the media that they were closely studying the toad snails behavior and would report any interesting revelations.
Recent reports state that a tourist who visited Playa Limon Beach in El Cedro, Miches, Dominican Republic experienced the world’s worst nightmarish tick attack.
Michel (who doesn’t want his full name known) states:
“I was staying in a small hotel near Playa Limon and had gone down to the beach for a swim.
No one was around to see so I went for a swim in the nude.
I afterwards lay down in the sand to tan, and was having a rather relaxing time when all of a sudden I felt this terrible, terrible pinching pain on my member. I looked down and Holly God! I just leaped right up screaming my head off!
For there on the tip of it was this horrible, HUGE monsterous looking tick that was growing bigger every Continue reading Giant Tick Attacks Tourist in the Dominican Republic!→
Sex tourism to the Dominican Republic is taking a new turn, with the opening of Jose Maria Martinez’s “The Big Suprise Farm” up near Moca.
The German people’s magazine Bunte recently ran a story highlighting the many diverse attractions of the Farm.
Sex tourists who arrive in the Farm, in a one week package tour from Germany get to enjoy Farm pleasures from the smallest chicken to the largest horse.
Tourists are housed in special luxury barns with AC and large plasma TV screens where all kinds of beastial sex films are available 24 hours a day.
An unanimous male visitor confessed in an interview to the magazine that he found the calves most exciting as they often mistook his member for their mother’s utter.
While 73 year old woman tourist said the horses were the best deal as they were better equipped than the haitians and didn’t have AIDS or cholera.
German animal organizations are protesting.
Biatte Steiner of the Society of Protection for Farm Animals (SPFA) says: “I’m outraged that this is being allowed in our time and age! I’m ashamed of these German tourists who visit such a place and give our country such a bad name. Our Government has to do something to stop this abuse of poor innocent creatures! I’ve even heard rumors that they’re being forced-fed Viagra! This is inhuman!!!”
Jose Maria Martinez answered: “Actually I think that they really enjoy it. I not know why she complaining! Maybe she should try it. I’m fully booked till Christmas, bussiness has never been so good. My animals are treated well and fed better than any other farm.”