“It was not me – It was Quaky”

Agota Ilona Piankoczki, 68 year old woman from the mountainous hungarian village of Pusztas, who has been hailed for many years as a phenomianl healer, has now revealed her secrete:
“It all began 5 Years ago, after the death of my beloved husband Pavlov, when I contracted a terrible flew. I was all alone in my little isolated house, far from the village.
My only companion was a duck I named Quaky. I grew very fond of her, as I needed some comfort after my husbands death. She was like a daughter to me. I fed her the best and spoke to her very often. I guess she must have understood me and learned over time. And then when I got ill, my duck suddenly came to me with some herbs in her beak and laid them into my palm. I ate them and the next day the fever was gone! I was amazed!
Over the coming months I started helping other people too. Whenever I visited a sick person I took Quaky with me to them.
Then we’d Continue reading Wonder Duck healed the Sick